Jorik Jansen

Tax Consultant

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Jorik has been a tax advisor at Meijburg since 2021. Corporate income tax, international tax law, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), tax compliance and ESG are his areas of expertise. He mainly assists multinationals in tax controversies ranging from tax structuring to litigating cases before the courts. Jorik is also a member of Meijburg’s ESG Tax Sustainability team that, together with the KPMG ESG network, advises clients on how to be fulfill their ESG ambitions while at the same time being tax‑compliant. His clients operate mainly in the chemical industry, the healthcare sector, the software and automotive industries.

Jorik is known for his analytical skills and his ability to provide international and strategic advice. He is solution-oriented with a future-proof approach, focusing predominantly on management and coordination. These qualities make him a valued advisor for his clients.

 Jorik set up the KPMG Climate Policy and Regulatory Dashboard, containing information about ESG tax regulations from more than 80 countries. This database is used worldwide by KPMG member firms and clients, thus underscoring Jorik’s impact on the international tax landscape. 

Foto van Jorik Jansen

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