Kasper Klein

Senior Manager

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Kasper began his career at Meijburg in 2012 and has since gained nearly 15 years of experience in the tax world. He has specialized in corporate tax and withholding taxes. Since January 2024, he has been a valued member of Meijburg's Tax Knowledge Center, where he is involved in knowledge sharing and developing new insights within Meijburg.

Kasper is passionate about solving complex tax issues and has a broad range of experience that enables him to provide strategic advice. In addition to his work at Meijburg, he is an annotator at Nl Fiscaal.

Foto van Kasper Klein

© 2025 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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