Robert-Jan de Wit

Robert-Jan is a Director in the People Services practice at KPMG Meijburg & Co.

Robert-Jan has 20 years of experience as a tax advisor. As tax director he manages various national and international engagements together with his team. He has built up a diverse list of national and international clients operating in a wide range of sectors and industries, e.g. offshore wind, oil & gas, construction, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and electronics industries and the financial sector.

Robert-Jan also specializes in expatriate taxation, international social security and cross-border issues, in particular with regard to remote working and assignments.

Qualifications & memberships:

•        Post-Master in European Fiscal Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

•        Master in Fiscal Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

•          Member of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisors


  • People Services

Market sectors

  • Shipping and Offshore

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