Wouter Smit


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Wouter began his career at Meijburg in 2024 and has in total more than 12½ years of tax experience. He specializes in Pillar 2, tax accounting and corporate restructuring. Wouter plays an important role in Pillar 2 projects, advising companies on restructuring and impact analyzes, including as part of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). He also provides extensive tax accounting advice, focusing, among other things, on how the (current and deferred) tax effects of complex transactions should be reported in the financial statements.

What sets Wouter apart as a tax specialist is his ability to bring the worlds of accounting and tax together. With his broad knowledge of accounting and his background in tax law, he approaches Pillar 2 projects from both perspectives. This enables him to provide companies with in‑depth and integrated advice.

Foto van Wouter Smit

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