Dutch Base: for non-Dutch in tax

Networking event | Thursday, 20 March, 2025 | 15:00-17:30h

We're excited to invite you to our next edition of Dutch Base, our network for foreign tax professionals, on March 20, 2025.

During this event we will update you on the latest tax developments and provide plenty of opportunity to engage with other participants and the team from Meijburg.

Special host:

  • Loek Helderman – Loek co-leads the Dutch Corporate Clients Team. Prior to KPMG, Loek spent more than 25 years at Unilever. He was a member of the tax leadership team, as VP Tax Europe and Global Transfer Pricing. Loek will share his experiences at Meijburg and will share valuable insights from his time as an in-house tax executive.

We will also take time to inform you about associations for tax professionals in the Netherlands, such as the NOB and the IFA. We will discuss membership requirements and the benefits of joining.

15:00 Walk-in with coffee & tea
15:30 Start program
17:00 Drinks & bites 

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