Invitation Digital roundtable on BEPS 2.0


We would like to invite you to the next edition of our roundtable series on BEPS 2.0 and digital taxation which will take place on Thursday, July 15, 2021 between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. CET. 

During this webcast, we would like to discuss the impact of the recent and upcoming political developments regarding Pillar One and Pillar Two, in particular the outcome of the OECD Inclusive Framework meeting expected on July 1, 2021 and the G20 Finance Ministers meeting on July 9, 2021. In addition, the publication on EU digital levies (expected to be released on July 14, 2021) will also be addressed.

As part of this webcast, there will be a panel discussion during which the following topics will be discussed:

  • Key highlights of the latest developments from a US perspective – Speaker: Marcus Heyland (KPMG US, Managing Director at Washington National Tax)
  • Impact of the latest developments from a European perspective – Speaker: Vinod Kalloe (KPMG Meijburg, Head of International Tax Policy and former European Commission official)
  • Discussion on the initial reactions of the recent publications from a business perspective – Speaker: Dirk-Jan Sinke, advisor Fiscal Affairs VNO-NCW

The panel discussion will be co-hosted by Robert van der Jagt (KPMG Meijburg, Partner, International Tax) and Aroen Rambhadjan (KPMG Meijburg, Partner, International Tax). 
The webcast will be held in English via Microsoft Teams, which will be recorded and shared with the participants afterwards. 
A follow-up webcast will be held at the end of 2021, upon release of the final guidance on Pillar One and Pillar Two by OECD.  

NOB PE hours
The webinar meets the conditions for granting 1.5 NOB PE hour. If you take part in the webinar, you can register this hour with the NOB.

Make sure to register by using this link.
Kind regards,
KPMG Meijburg & Co



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