KPMG Meijburg & Co Transfer Pricing Seminar 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 13:30 - 18:30h
Meijburg Office Amstelveen


For inquiries about this seminar, please reach out to your Meijburg contact.

For inquiries about this seminar, please reach out to your Meijburg contact.

We are delighted to invite you to this year’s KPMG Meijburg  & Co Transfer Pricing seminar, which will take place on October 17, 2024, at our Amstelveen office.

As always, our goal is to update you on the latest Transfer Pricing developments and to share our insights into several relevant topics.

This year's seminar focusses on the importance of Data and Technology managing the Transfer Pricing function. The seminar will start with a plenary session where you will hear from Sebastiaan de Buck, Vice President of Tax at Unilever, about how technology is playing an increasing role in their end-to-end Tax and Transfer Pricing management, and how they are navigating through these changes.

This will be followed by a panel discussion with a number of clients and our KPMG Meijburg specialists.

Subsequently, there will be workshops on various subjects: (Operational) Transfer Pricing and Technology, Public CbCR (Country-by-Country Reporting), Amount B, Transfer Pricing Controversy, and Introduction to Transfer Pricing.




13:30  Registration and light refreshments
14:00  Plenary session
15:00  Panel with Q&A
15:45  Break
16:00  Break-out sessions 1
16:45  Break-out sessions 2
17:30  Drinks, bites, and networking


Jakub Michalak, Transfer pricing Analyst, Heineken International
André à Campo, Head of Transfer Pricing, Booking Holdings
Stefanie Wiesner, Senior Manager Transfer Pricing, KPMG Germany
Dianne Berry, Partner Transfer Pricing, Meijburg & Co
Sebastiaan de Buck, Vice President of Tax at Unilever
Robbert Hoyng, Partner Meijburg & Co

Moderated by Agata Uceda

Break-out session A: Understanding EU Public Country-by-Country Reporting by Maurits Stuyt and Sjaak Brinks

This interactive workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the EU Public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR). It aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of this reporting requirement. The workshop will delve into the background and purpose of the EU Public CbCR, its implications for multinational corporations, and the potential challenges and solutions in implementing it.

Break-out session B: Navigating the complexities of Amount B by Jaap ReyneveldSayee Gomathy Ramaswamy, and Daniel Ruiz Ramirez

This workshop will equip participants with the latest developments concerning Amount B, a pivotal component of the OECD's Pillar One framework. As the implementation framework continues to evolve among countries, this interactive session will explore the possible changes to transfer pricing policies and compliance requirements for taxpayers in light of Amount B. This includes the management of data required for Amount B analyses and use of efficiency tools to calculate (potential) fixed returns for baseline marketing and distribution activities.

Break-out session C: The connection between Transfer Pricing Technology and Controversy by  Jens Lamberg Karreman, Rian Waaijer, and Eduard Sporken

During this interactive workshop the participants will learn about how to deal with data information requests during Dutch and international tax audits. Recent examples of data collection requests during tax and TP-audits will be shared. Relevant items that will be discussed will be the formal law perspective (tax authorities may try to collect data from your IT-environment - what are your rights and obligations in this respect?) as well as the technical angle (how can I provide the requested data in an efficient manner?). Further, the workshop will also deal with foreign tax audits and how to avoid double taxation in the Netherlands.

Break-out session D: (Operational) Transfer Pricing and Technology by Dianne Berry and Stefanie Wiesner

During this workshop, the focus will be on the implementation and monitoring of Transfer Pricing policies. We will discuss how to leverage automation, and innovative software solutions to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in your transfer pricing and tax operations.

Break-out session E: Introduction to transfer pricing for the finance and accounting function by Valentin Krustev

The workshop will introduce basic transfer pricing concepts for finance and accounting professionals who may occasionally run into transfer pricing issues but are not full time transfer pricing specialists. The covered topics will include the broad transfer pricing framework around the arm’s length principle, documentation and compliance basics, common questions when preparing financial data for a transfer pricing analysis and also how transfer pricing fits into a multinational company’s financial reporting processes. While aimed at a non-tax audience, the workshop may also be of interest to tax generalist who do not have prior transfer pricing experience.

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