Transfer Pricing controversy in a collaborative way
We are pleased to invite you to join our next Transfer Pricing webcast on controversy in close cooperation with the Meijburg Tax Controversy group on 1 December 2022.
This webcast will focus on controversy in a collaborative way. We will discuss the following three topics:
- Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (BAPAs), which show a growing number of successful cases contributing to advance tax certainty. Also, the OECD recently published the Bilateral Advance Pricing Arrangement Manual ("BAPAM"). A keynote speaker from KPMG US will discuss this topic.
- Mutual Agreement Procedures, much has been achieved since the 2007 publication of the OECD Manual on Effective Mutual Agreement Procedures.
- Multilateral Control or joint tax audits in Europe, recently in Dutch Parliament details thereon were published.
And what the experience has been: what works and does not work to avoid double taxation. Practical cases and solutions will be shared to elaborate on these important matters.
16:00 p.m. - 17:30 CET
NOB PE hours
The webcast meets the conditions for granting 1.5 NOB PE hour. If you take part in the webcast, you can register this 1.5 hour with the NOB.