General terms and conditions
Meijburg & Co’s general terms and conditions apply to all assignments, agreements, offers and quotations.
Download the general terms and conditions
Online privacy statement
Meijburg & Co believes in the importance of keeping any information entrusted to us confidential and well protected. In the context of this fundamental obligation, Meijburg & Co takes measures to ensure that personal information (referred to as personal data) collected online is protected and used appropriately.
We only collect personal data that is provided by website visitors voluntarily, so that we can offer those persons services and/or information, including information about job vacancies. In the following Privacy Statement, you can find out more about how we collect, use, share and protect the personal data we obtain.
Privacy Statement
Code of Conduct
Meijburg & Co’s principles concerning ethical behaviour, which also apply throughout the KPMG network, find expression in Meijburg & Co’s Code of Conduct.
A number of guidelines lie at the Code of Conduct’s foundations, including the UN Global Compact Principles.
The Code of Conduct applies to all of Meijburg & Co’s employees, regardless of their rank or position, and functions for them as a guideline for professional behaviour in the performance of their daily duties.
Download Meijburg & Co’s Code of Conduct
Core values Meijburg & Co
The following core values comprise the basis for our working methods: