Meijburg Art Commission 2016 winner

Tax advisory firm Meijburg & Co is the driving force behind a new prestigious art prize, the Meijburg Art Commission. Talented up-and-coming artists can compete for this prize by submitting a proposal for a unique artwork with a focus on photography. The winner of the Meijburg Art Commission will receive the assignment to actually create the submitted proposal, which will then be added to the art collection of Meijburg & Co Tax Lawyers.
2016 Winner
The winner of this year's Meijburg Art Commission is Elspeth Diederix (1971, KE). We were taken by the understated complexity of her images. Upon first glance, they are striking photographs of flowers. Upon a closer look, however, the viewer realises that the work has great depth. Elspeth is constructing environments, manipulating reality by creating flowers that don’t actually exist. Her work requires you to think a bit more, to wonder what is going on, what has she done to create the image? Her work reminds us of the famous Dutch Masters and its typical lighting.
International Jury
The international jury for this year's award comprises of Wilbert Kannekens (Chairman of the Managing Board Meijburg & Co), Genevieve Fussell (Senior Photo Editor, the New Yorker) and Christto & Andrew (campaign artists of 2016).
The Meijburg Art Commission is part of a sponsorship agreement between Meijburg & Co and Unseen. As Wilbert Kannekens, chairperson of the Managing Board of Meijburg & Co explains: “Meijburg & Co is a firm that excels in encouraging and stimulating young talent. We believe that Unseen Photo Fair & Festival embodies the pursuit of innovation, an emphasis on high quality and social commitment. We wish to support young artists in their career and offer them the opportunity to excel in their chosen discipline”.
Awoiska van der Molen (1972, NL), Elspeth Diederix (1971, Kenya), Motohiro Takeda (1982, JP), Yoko Ikeda (1965, JP) and Mandy Barker (1964, UK).
Anouk Kruithof (1981, NL), Sjoerd Knibbeler (1981, NL), Inka & Niclas (1985, Finland, 1984, Sweden), Melinda Gibson (1985, UK) and Noemie Goudal (1984, FR). Winner: Anouk Kruihof.