Meijburg - Proud partner of piano, The Royal Concertgebouw

September 30, 2022

Musicians are ideally able to break free from existing patterns and see things from a different perspective to surprise and inspire us. Their music also strengthens diversity and inclusion. The energy their work exudes ties in with Meijburg’s drive to excite the senses of our current and future employees, our clients and society at large.

With this in mind, we started looking for a strategic sponsorship partner that could stimulate society and thus provide the inspiration to innovate and change.

We are proud to have found that partner in The Royal Concertgebouw, which embraces our sponsorship strategy and goals, and will help us achieve them. We are therefore pleased to be the strategic partner of all things ‘piano’ for the next three years. In doing so, we hope to touch the hearts, minds and souls of young and old alike.

Wilbert Kannekens, Managing partner Meijburg & Co: ‘In one of the world’s most beautiful concert halls, the personal touch of the performing musician gives a completely different interpretation to the same musical work.’

Simon Reinink, general director of The Royal Concertgebouw: ‘The piano is one of the most versatile instruments used in music all over the world. The tradition of piano concerts is inextricably linked to the history and the musical future of The Royal Concertgebouw. By having Meijburg & Co as a sponsor, we can bring piano music to an even broader target group.’

Tradition and innovation since 1888

Since its opening in 1888, The Royal Concertgebouw has built up a long tradition of piano recitals and piano concerts. Countless world renown pianists - in all genres - have performed at The Royal Concertgebouw. The Royal Concertgebouw will be continuing this tradition with its current program.

Our new partnership gives us the opportunity to support the development of the piano repertoire in its broadest sense: from jazz to classical and from neo‑classical to contemporary world premieres. Providing a podium for world renown pianists but also for new young talent and innovation. There are 123 piano concerts scheduled for the 2022-2023 season.

For a list of all the piano concerts to be held at The Royal Concertgebouw please click here.


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