NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter – August 2022

Dear reader,
This month’s NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter includes an overview of the 2022-2023 tax measures announced in Mauritius, Tanzania and Uganda, the tax measures enacted in Kenya as per July 1, 2022, as well as the latest developments relevant to the Nigerian oil and gas industry.
If you would like to know more about the matters addressed in this newsletter or have any feedback, you are welcome to contact Sebastiaan Paling (Head of the NL-Africa Tax Desk). Please visit our website for more information on the NL-Africa Tax Desk and the services we offer or to download our factsheet.
Best regards,
NL-Africa Tax Desk team
Meijburg & Co
Table of contents
- Transfer pricing documentation summaries by jurisdiction
- Taxation of the digitalized economy - update on global developments
- Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) and digital reporting global updates
Cabo Verde
- Cabo Verde announces plan to create new incentives for emigrants (in Portuguese)
- Cabo Verde releases foreign trade manual
- Non-resident suppliers of digital services to be exempt from Issuing Electronic Tax Invoices
- Kenya launched the Nairobi International Financial Centre (NIFC)
- Tax measures enacted in Finance Act, 2022
- Alternative investment funds treated as tax transparent
- Tax measures in Finance Bill 2022 include domestic top-up tax
- Tax measures in 2022-2023 budget
- Revision of the Regulation on the Mechanisms and Procedures for Employment of Foreign Citizens
- Credit related to the import of goods and services
- Update of data in the National Institute of Social Security (INSS)
- Details about changes in new transfer pricing decree
- Information on the Netherlands-Kenya tax treaty provided under the Dutch Public Access to Government Information Act (in Dutch)
- New decree on profit attribution to permanent establishments
- Extended deadline for filing companies income tax returns for 2022
- Investment in Nigeria guide
- Measures regarding electronic payment of taxes (Lagos State)
- No retroactive application of tax law changes unless expressly stated (court decision)
- Oil and gas industry update (second quarter 2022)
- Proposed new levy on companies to fund youth services corps
- Reminder of 31 August 2022 deadline for filing companies income tax returns for 2022
- Summary of tax matters arising from implementation of Finance Act, 2021
South Africa
- Tax authority targets e-service suppliers and VAT compliance
- Tax implications for insurers of accounting standard changes regarding insurance contracts
- Tax proposals in budget 2022-2023 include tax on digital services provided by non-residents
- Tax measures in Finance Act, 2022