NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter – November 2021

Dear reader,
The aim of this newsletter is to give you an easy-to-read overview of the latest tax updates in Africa.
This month’s newsletter includes several updates on the 2022 tax measures in Ghana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Next to that, we have seen developments focused on tackling international tax avoidance with Mauritania and Rwanda joining OECD initiatives in this regard and the tax policy debate in the Netherlands moving towards increased international exchange of information on Dutch intermediate holding companies.
If you would like to know more about the matters addressed in this newsletter or have any feedback, feel free to contact Sebastiaan Paling (Head of the NL-Africa Tax Desk).
Best regards,
NL-Africa Tax Desk team
Meijburg & Co
Table of contents
Report on conduit companies in the Netherlands and what Dutch holding companies should prepare for
Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) and digital reporting global updates
Taxation of the digitalized economy - update of summary of global developments
2022 budget highlights
Simplified VAT regime for goods or services sold via electronic or digital platforms
Tax and regulatory challenges in electricity supply industry
Tax holiday invalid; taxpayer failed to obtain valid certification of gas production
Taxpayer’s deposit with FIRS found sufficient for tribunal’s jurisdiction
VAT amendments, revised definitions intended to provide relief for certain sectors
South Africa
Assessments after three-year limitations period expired (court decision)
Carbon tax licence renewal applications due before 30 November 2021