Tax measures for 2025

September 17, 2024
Tax measures for 2025

On Budget Day, September 17, 2024, the government presented the 2025 Tax Plan package to the Lower House of Parliament. It contains the following bills:

  • 2025 Tax Plan
  • 2025 Tax Plan BES islands
  • Other Tax Measures 2025
  • Business Succession Tax Relief (Amendment) Act 2025
  • Minimum Taxation Act (Amendment) Act 2024
  • Taxation Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2025
  • Netting scheme (Termination) Act
  • Amendment of the Child-related Budget Act to increase the child-related budget as a means of improving consumer purchasing power
  • Amendment of the Surviving Dependents Act and the Participation Act in connection with the double general tax credit in the reference minimum wage not being phased out in 2025, 2026 and 2027
  • Amendment of the Personal Rent Allowance Contribution (Reduction) Act, the Housing Allowance Act and several other Acts to improve purchasing power and simplify the scheme

Many of the proposed measures will take effect on January 01, 2025. Our memorandum outlines the main features of the 2025 Tax Plan. Where possible and relevant, we have included in the individual topics other tax measures and developments related to those topics, but have indicated that these are not part of the 2025 Tax Plan package. Please refer to the last section for miscellaneous tax developments.

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