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Newsoverview (4)

EU VAT rules for platform operators facilitating digital services are valid

March 2, 2023
On February 28, 2023 the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) published its judgment in the Fenix case (C-695/20). The CJEU ruled that the EU’s VAT rules for platform operators facilitating ...

Getting tax data right with compliance by design

June 4, 2021
Many tax teams spend the bulk of their time dealing with tax data — finding it, correcting it, reconciling it and formatting it for tax reporting and other compliance needs. But processes like these a ...

Expansion and further easing of deferral of payment for businesses

April 3, 2020
Besides VAT, personal income tax, payroll tax and corporate income tax, the temporary deferral policy now applies to tax on games of chance, insurance premium tax, the landlord levy (verhuurderheffing ...

Are you losing money because of Tax Equalization? – Tax Technology offers you insight!

November 13, 2019
A common agreement in the world of cross-border employment is the ‘tax equalization agreement’ between an employer and employee. Under this agreement, an employee does not pay more or less tax during ...

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