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Newsoverview (122)

Court of Justice of the European Union: toll manufacturer not a fixed establishment for VAT purposes

June 18, 2024
This new judgment is a welcome and useful confirmation of the line taken by the CJEU.

Tax measures in the general coalition agreement

May 17, 2024
On May 15, 2024 the four coalition parties PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB published their general agreement ‘Hope, Courage and Pride’. The general agreement and the budgetary appendix provide insight into the ...

CJEU rules on VAT treatment of vouchers

April 23, 2024
We recommend that all parties involved in the issue, resale or redemption of vouchers review the VAT treatment of their activities based on this ruling.

CJEU rules on VAT treatment of vouchers

April 23, 2024
We recommend that all parties involved in the issue, resale or redemption of vouchers review the VAT treatment of their activities based on this ruling.

Deputy Minister provides more insight into his future tax plans

April 17, 2024
On April 16, 2024 the Deputy Minister of Finance provided general insights into the upcoming 2025 Tax Plan package in the Tax Policy and Implementation Agenda.

Top 5 points requiring attention for the CESOP report with deadline April 30

April 12, 2024
As of this year all payment service providers are obliged to keep a register with cross border payments. The first reporting deadline is April 30.

VAT returns via the old taxpayer portal no longer possible after July 1, 2024

March 15, 2024
If you are currently using the old portal for your VAT or OSS returns, we recommend that you decide as soon as possible which option you wish to use to file your returns from July 1, 2024.

Remarkable Opinion by Advocate General to the CJEU in VAT pension fund cases

March 15, 2024
The Advocate General believes that Dutch pension funds are not sufficiently comparable to a UCITS for them to be regarded as a special investment fund.

The new Explanatory Notes to Table II: what are the main areas of concern?

February 14, 2024
On December 22, 2023 the Ministry of Finance published the Explanatory Notes to Table II. This Decree contains rules and policy on the application of the zero rate for VAT purposes.

Dutch Supreme Court provides step-by-step plan for VAT qualification of land with remanent buildings

February 12, 2024
The judgment offers welcome practical guidelines. Whether there is a building site for VAT purposes is of major practical importance and must always be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Pro Memoria 2024

January 25, 2024
An easy-to-use reference work that will help businesses, institutions and organizations in their accounting practices. The tax rates, premiums and contributions for 2024 have been summarized for your ...

Court of Justice of the European Union: Luxembourg member of Board of Directors does not have to pay VAT on profit-dependent directors’ fees

December 22, 2023
The judgment partly removes existing ambiguities and may have consequences for Dutch board members who still charge VAT on their invoices.

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