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Newsoverview (4)

Annual adjustment of salary criterion for highly skilled migrants and administrative charges 2019

December 10, 2018
The salary criterion for highly skilled migrants is contained in the Foreign Nationals Employment Act Implementation Decree (Besluit uitvoering Wet arbeid vreemdelingen). This also stipulates that sal ...

Important changes to sector classification effective immediately

July 13, 2018
On Friday, June 29, 2018, the Cabinet approved the Labor Market Improved Equilibrium Act (‘Wet arbeidsmarkt in balans’; WAB). Under this Act, sector-specific unemployment contributions will be replace ...

Assessment of early retirement scheme on the basis of objective criteria

June 28, 2018
On Friday June 22, 2018, the Supreme Court rendered judgment as to whether a severance package should be regarded as an early retirement scheme ('regeling voor vervroegde uittreding', hereinafter: RVU ...

30% ruling shortened to five years as of January 1, 2019

April 23, 2018
The 30% ruling is a form of tax relief for employees coming to the Netherlands who are recruited from abroad and who possess specific expertise that is not present or is scarce in the Dutch labor mark ...

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