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Newsoverview (48)

Follow up webinar Public Country-by-Country Reporting

July 4, 2024
We plan to delve deeper into these topics in our upcoming tax news flashes and the transfer pricing seminar in October 2024. Stay tuned for more detailed discussions and practical advice on navigating ...

Additional guidance on Amount B

July 1, 2024
All businesses, regardless of size, are potentially in the scope of Amount B if they carry out certain pre-defined distribution activities, as defined in the OECD Inclusive Framework’s Report of Febru ...

EU public Country-by-Country Reporting

March 29, 2024
On December 1, 2021 the EU public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) Directive was published in the EU Official Journal and entered into force. The objective of the Directive is to create corporate t ...

Country-by-Country Reporting: overview of notification requirements per country

February 27, 2024
Meijburg & Co has updated the overview of the CbCR notification requirements for all countries that have (currently) implemented final CbCR legislation.

Tax Controversy & Amount B: more uncertainty?

September 5, 2023
What is the potential impact on your organization in terms of Tax Controversy and Tax Dispute management if in January 2024 other prices for baseline marketing and distribution activities were to fall ...

2023 Guidelines on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) published

May 9, 2023
The updated Guidelines include several substantive changes compared to the earlier version.

Legal protection under Pillar II - or more to the point: the absence of it

February 14, 2023
As of 2024, the Pillar 2 rules will become a reality within the EU and other jurisdictions worldwide. Under Pillar 2, the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules ensure that large multinational enterpr ...

Clarification of anti-transfer pricing mismatch rule in the case of capital contributions

January 24, 2023
On January 24, 2023 Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Van Rij clarified in a policy statement the scope of one of the measures to combat transfer pricing mismatches.

Inflation and its impact on your transfer pricing

December 19, 2022
In many industries, rising prices are leading to reduced margins. How does that impact transfer pricing? This question is especially relevant if your company’s transfer pricing model is based on guara ...

CJEU annuls Commission decision on Luxembourg transfer pricing ruling

November 14, 2022
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union brings key clarifications with regard to the choice of a reference system in transfer pricing State aid reviews.

Aldo Mariani appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

November 14, 2022
Aldo Mariani has been appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

2022 Decree on Profit Attribution to Permanent Establishments

July 11, 2022
The most important changes are the incorporation of the results of the OECD’s BEPS project and the source exemption that was introduced into the Corporate Income Tax Act 1969 in 2012.

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