We are proud that, in The Royal Concertgebouw, we have found a partner that embraces our sponsorship strategy and goals, and will help us achieve them.
De KPMG Belgium-Holland Desk nieuwsbrief verschijnt maandelijks met uitzondering van juli en augustus. In deze nieuwsbrief gaan wij in op actuele ontwikkelingen op fiscaal gebied in Nederland en Belgi ...
Although the judgment was what was expected, we nevertheless have several reservations about the way in which the Court of Justice of the European Union arrived at its ruling.
In practice, large amounts in dividend tax are avoided via various forms of dividend stripping, which the Dutch tax authorities cannot properly combat with the legal instruments currently available to ...
In particular, the Supreme Court answered several outstanding questions about Section 10a Corporate Income Tax Act 1969, such as when is there an ‘intra-group (non-business motivated) diversion’.