For many years real estate has been an important asset class for investors. We regularly approached advise and assist clients with the (financial) structuring of investments in real estate. Tax is oft ...
On June 3, 2021 the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) rendered judgment in the Titanium Ltd case (case no. C-931/19). The CJEU ruled that a foreign taxable person that does not have its ...
The fact that the right to use software can itself fall within the VAT exemption is a welcome clarification for Dutch practice in light of the increasingly automated asset management market.
This is our third FS Tax Newsletter for the year, in which we have summarized the most recent tax-related developments of the last two months in the FS sector for you.
This judgment is not only important for the insurance of seagoing vessels, for which an exemption applies in the Netherlands, but also for the insurance of other vessels, which are subject, as startin ...
Now that the winter has ended and the weather is slowly getting better, we are issuing our second FS Tax Newsletter for 2021. In this issue we summarize relevant developments that took place during Fe ...
This judgment could put pressure on the Dutch practice, where a combination of mediation and other services closely related to insurance that are performed as a single supply are regarded as fully VAT ...
The Danske Bank judgment differs from Dutch practice. This judgment could have major implications for the VAT treatment of intra-group services, in particular if there is a limited VAT recovery right. ...
We hope you had a great start to 2021. After wrapping up the first month of the year, in this edition of the Financial Services Tax Newsletter we would like to summarize the relevant developments that ...
The policy statement, among other things, lays down the Dutch viewpoint on the concept of a fixed establishment and the VAT treatment of transactions between a head office and a fixed establishment.