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Operational Transfer Pricing: automation can bring you closer

July 2, 2020
OTP is the management of transfer pricing data, processes and governance using technology. An effective OTP program aligns transfer pricing requirements with commercial goals. This article exp ...

The Netherlands: gradual lifting of travel ban for non-EU citizens as of July 1, 2020 (COVID-19)

July 2, 2020
As of July 1, 2020 the Netherlands will no longer maintain the travel ban for citizens of the following 14 countries: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwan ...

Guidelines on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) published

July 1, 2020
During the parliamentary debates on the Dutch implementation of the Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) it was acknowledged that, in practice, it can be difficult to determine whether or not a certain a ...

Possibility to recover VAT on running costs for vacant property extended

June 30, 2020
On June 26, 2020 the Supreme Court ruled that the VAT on running costs (‘instandhoudingskosten’) for a vacant office building is deductible, even if the owner cannot prove, on the basis of objective i ...

Supreme Court judgment with possible implications for the Dutch VAT position of complaints advisory committee members and similar officials

June 29, 2020
The Supreme Court ruled that the chairperson or an ordinary member of a complaints advisory committee within the meaning of Section 7:13 of the General Administrative Law Act does not qualify as a VAT ...

Postponement of deadline for notifications under the Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6)

June 29, 2020
Recently, agreement was reached at the EU level on postponing by six months the deadline(s) for notifying reportable cross-border arrangements to the Dutch tax authorities under the Mandatory Disclosu ...

Court: entitlement to 4% interest on refunds of VAT levied contrary to EU law

June 25, 2020
The District Court ruled that the phrase ‘taxes levied contrary to EU law’ should be interpreted neutrally. No conditions were imposed as to the reason for or cause of the undue payment. According to ...

Conditions published for the extension of the NOW scheme (NOW-2)

June 25, 2020
On May 20, 2020, the government announced its intention to extend the NOW-1. The substantive details of this extension were published, on June 25, 2020, by Decree of June 22, 2020 under the name: Seco ...

Updated Decree on Mutual Agreement Procedures

June 24, 2020
The Decree provides, from a Dutch perspective, a detailed explanation and interpretation of the implementation of mutual agreement procedures (MAP’s) as regulated in the Tax Dispute Resolution Mechani ...

Bill against excessive borrowing from own company presented to the Lower House

June 18, 2020
In the case of substantial interest holders who borrow more than EUR 500,000 from their company, it is proposed to tax the excess as income derived from a substantial interest. Home acquisition debt i ...

Transfer pricing in times of crisis: what should you do?

June 18, 2020
On Thursday June 11th, KPMG Meijburg & Cos transfer pricing team organized a webcast to share the first experiences regarding transfer pricing issues in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. We have ...

Progress on ‘working as a self-employed person’

June 17, 2020
On June 15, 2020, the fifth letter describing the progress made with respect to ‘working as a self-employed person’ was published. In this letter, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and the ...

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