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Newsoverview (9)

Update: AIFMD reporting requirements for Alternative Investment Fund Managers and non-EU Fund Managers

December 20, 2022
As of Q1 2023 Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) and non-EU fund managers who have notified Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) for marketing in accordance with Articles 36 and 42 of the Alt ...

Termination of banking relationship

December 20, 2022
On August 22, 2022 the District Court of Amsterdam rendered judgment in a case concerning the termination of the banking relationship .The Court ruled that the termination by the bank of the banking r ...

Real estate fiscal investment institution to be abolished and changes to regimes for exempt investment institutions and mutual funds

December 15, 2022
The new rules primarily affect institutional investors, (listed) real estate funds and high-net-worth families.

New referral to the CJEU – Net taxation – Taxation of dividend income received by a non-resident insurance company

December 14, 2022
On December 14, 2022 the Court of Appeals in ‘s-Hertogenbosch asked the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) for a preliminary ruling in a case dealing with net taxation.

Legal qualification of floating solar parks

November 28, 2022
The District Court of Overijssel recently rendered a judgment in respect of a dispute between an owner of a floating solar park (the plaintiff) and the tax officer of the joint tax office Lococensus-T ...

Aldo Mariani appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

November 14, 2022
Aldo Mariani has been appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

Letter sent to Lower House of Parliament summarizing internet consultation and setting out follow-up process to strengthen combating of dividend stripping

July 19, 2022
In practice, large amounts in dividend tax are avoided via various forms of dividend stripping, which the Dutch tax authorities cannot properly combat with the legal instruments currently available to ...

Newsletter Inter Bank Offered Rates (IBOR) Meijburg Legal (updated 04-2022)

April 19, 2022
Since the 1st of January 2022 only a limited amount of GBP and JPY London IBOR’s (“LIBOR”) are published (the so called “synthetic LIBOR’s). The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority has clarified that the ...

Pro Memoria 2022

January 25, 2022
An easy-to-use reference work that will help businesses, institutions and organizations in their accounting practices. The tax rates, premiums and contributions for 2022 have been summarized for your ...

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