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Newsoverview (129)

Important judgment on tax classification of financial instrument

May 22, 2024
On May 17, 2024 the Dutch Supreme Court rendered an important judgment on the tax qualification of a financial instrument that was issued by a company established in France in 2007. It concerned the ‘ ...

CJEU rules on VAT treatment of vouchers

April 23, 2024
We recommend that all parties involved in the issue, resale or redemption of vouchers review the VAT treatment of their activities based on this ruling.

Deputy Minister provides more insight into his future tax plans

April 17, 2024
On April 16, 2024 the Deputy Minister of Finance provided general insights into the upcoming 2025 Tax Plan package in the Tax Policy and Implementation Agenda.

Top 5 points requiring attention for the CESOP report with deadline April 30

April 12, 2024
As of this year all payment service providers are obliged to keep a register with cross border payments. The first reporting deadline is April 30.

Dutch Supreme Court renders another judgment on Section 10a and fraus legis

March 26, 2024
When purely tax-driven and artificial attempts are made to stay (just) outside the formal requirements of Section 10a CITA 1969, the interest deduction can be refused by invoking fraus legis.

Decree on the Comparison of Foreign Legal Forms published for consultation

February 9, 2024
Although the method of assessment is less clearly defined than in current qualification policy, the legal forms list may offer more practical certainty.

Pro Memoria 2024

January 25, 2024
An easy-to-use reference work that will help businesses, institutions and organizations in their accounting practices. The tax rates, premiums and contributions for 2024 have been summarized for your ...

Dutch Supreme Court judgment on the crediting of dividend withholding tax

January 23, 2024
On January 19, 2024 the Dutch Supreme Court clarified the rules applying to the crediting of dividend withholding tax for corporate income tax purposes.

Farewell bonuses for personnel of a participation are not participation selling costs

January 3, 2024
On December 22, 2023 the Dutch Supreme Court clarified the term ‘participation costs’.

Upper House of Dutch Parliament adopts 2024 Tax Plan package and other tax bills

December 20, 2023
On December 19, 2023 the Upper House of Parliament adopted virtually the entire 2024 Tax Plan package, various other tax bills and a number of tax motions. We have prepared a summary about this.

Lower House of Parliament adopts various amendments and motions during vote on 2024 Tax Plan package

October 27, 2023
On the day the Lower House went into recess for the upcoming elections, the Members of Parliament made significant changes to the 2024 Tax Plan.

European Commission publishes proposal for a directive to introduce a common corporate tax framework (BEFIT)

September 20, 2023
This is the third attempt by the European Commission to harmonize the corporate income tax base.

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