It is intended to prevent investment funds qualifying as non-transparent (independently taxable) for a short period of time when the new rules take effect on January 1, 2025.
On November 7, 2024 the Noord-Nederland District Court rendered judgment in a case Meijburg & Co had initiated concerning the interest on tax due charged on a corporate income tax assessment for t ...
Disputes often don’t end up in court; in most cases they are resolved after consulting with the Dutch tax authorities. But sometimes a case is litigated up to the highest judicial body, especially if ...
It is noteworthy but unfortunate that the Supreme Court skillfully avoided answering the principal question of whether a split interest in itself constitutes a participation.
De nieuwsbrief WOZ en gemeentelijke heffingen besteedt aandacht aan interessante ontwikkelingen en rechtspraak en verschijnt twee keer per jaar. Hierbij presenteren wij u de eerste editie van 2023.
In essence, the Court of Justice ruled that the anti-profit shifting provision of Section 10a CITA 1969 is not contrary to the freedom of establishment.