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Newsoverview (64)

30% ruling shortened to five years as of January 1, 2019

April 23, 2018
The 30% ruling is a form of tax relief for employees coming to the Netherlands who are recruited from abroad and who possess specific expertise that is not present or is scarce in the Dutch labor mark ...

The Supreme Court: interim evaluation of 30% ruling permissible after introduction of 150-kilometer criterion

December 12, 2017
The 30% ruling is a fixed allowance paid to compensate for the costs of a temporary stay outside the country of origin (extraterritorial expenses). Since January 1, 2012 only employees who reside ...

All the days of a stay in the Netherlands count for the purposes of applying the 183-day rule

July 18, 2017
For the purposes of allocating the right to tax salary from employment, a 183-day rule has been included in tax treaties. If a resident of another State is employed by a foreign employer to work in th ...

Important update on ICT permit for Japanese citizens

January 26, 2017
The new rules contained in the Intra Corporate Transfer (ICT) Directive do not have to be applied to Japanese citizens. In principle, a person applying for a Dutch residence permit cannot choose betwe ...

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