How can you use terms of employment to create greater employee involvement? How do you incorporate ESG into your terms of employment while at the same time realizing cost savings? A recent public ...
Money worries can seriously impact the (mental) health of employees. This ultimately increases the risk of absenteeism due to sickness and employees who are off work for extended periods of time. A se ...
On November 12, 2021 the Supreme Court rendered judgment in the proceedings initiated by KPMG Meijburg & Co concerning whether net share bonuses can qualify as part of the final levy for the purpo ...
In practice, substantial (albeit not easily quantifiable) amounts in dividend tax are avoided via various forms of dividend stripping, which the Dutch tax authorities cannot properly combat with the c ...
In this bill the government elaborates on three of the agreements made as part of the Pension Agreement: more freedom of choice in the use of the pension, more options for early retirement and more sc ...
On November 16, 2020 the sixth progress letter ‘Working as a self-employed person’ was published. In this letter, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and the Deputy Minister of Finance updat ...
The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment informed the Lower House of Parliament on September 30, 2020 about the precise conditions of NOW 3, several changes to NOW 1 and NOW 2 and about the openi ...