On December 20, 2022 the Upper House of Parliament adopted the 2023 Tax Plan package, various other tax bills and seven tax motions. We have prepared a summary about this.
In many industries, rising prices are leading to reduced margins. How does that impact transfer pricing? This question is especially relevant if your company’s transfer pricing model is based on guara ...
How can you use terms of employment to create greater employee involvement? How do you incorporate ESG into your terms of employment while at the same time realizing cost savings? A recent public ...
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union brings key clarifications with regard to the choice of a reference system in transfer pricing State aid reviews.
Money worries can seriously impact the (mental) health of employees. This ultimately increases the risk of absenteeism due to sickness and employees who are off work for extended periods of time. A se ...
The most important changes are the incorporation of the results of the OECD’s BEPS project and the source exemption that was introduced into the Corporate Income Tax Act 1969 in 2012.
The changes to the Decree are mainly a reaction to the changes made to the OECD guidelines in respect of financial transactions, intra-group services and recent OECD publications on the treatment of g ...
The new Dutch Transfer Pricing Decree was published on July 1, 2022. The new decree focuses on recent developments that have resulted in changes to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines but also ...