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Top 5 points requiring attention for the CESOP report with deadline April 30

April 12, 2024
As of this year all payment service providers are obliged to keep a register with cross border payments. The first reporting deadline is April 30.

Proposal for a new division exemption in real estate transfer tax launched for consultation

April 10, 2024
The new exemption is more limited than the current scheme but less open to debate. On the positive side, it does facilitate dispute divisions.

Survey report Future of Reward

April 5, 2024
Curious about how companies envision rewards in the future? Our recent research offers insights into the evolving landscape of reward strategies. If you are eager to grasp what lies ahead in the realm ...

EU public Country-by-Country Reporting

March 29, 2024
On December 1, 2021 the EU public Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) Directive was published in the EU Official Journal and entered into force. The objective of the Directive is to create corporate t ...

NL-Africa Tax Newsletter – March 2024

March 29, 2024
The aim of this newsletter is to give you an easy-to-read overview of the latest tax updates in Africa.

Round table: navigating tax in challenging times

March 28, 2024
From the rise of artificial intelligence, ever-expanding globalization, new forms of non-financial reporting, continually changing legislation to the constant shifts in public opinion. How do you over ...

ESG insights for Tax & Legal | March 2024

March 26, 2024
Welcome to our second edition of ESG Insights for Tax & Legal, keeping you informed of the latest developments in the fast-moving world of ESG!

Dutch Supreme Court renders another judgment on Section 10a and fraus legis

March 26, 2024
When purely tax-driven and artificial attempts are made to stay (just) outside the formal requirements of Section 10a CITA 1969, the interest deduction can be refused by invoking fraus legis.

Kopie van Nieuwsbrief WOZ en gemeentelijke heffingen – Maart 2023

March 19, 2024
De nieuwsbrief WOZ en gemeentelijke heffingen besteedt aandacht aan interessante ontwikkelingen en rechtspraak en verschijnt twee keer per jaar. Hierbij presenteren wij u de eerste editie van 2023.

VAT returns via the old taxpayer portal no longer possible after July 1, 2024

March 15, 2024
If you are currently using the old portal for your VAT or OSS returns, we recommend that you decide as soon as possible which option you wish to use to file your returns from July 1, 2024.

Remarkable Opinion by Advocate General to the CJEU in VAT pension fund cases

March 15, 2024
The Advocate General believes that Dutch pension funds are not sufficiently comparable to a UCITS for them to be regarded as a special investment fund.

Internet consultation on draft bill VAT adjustment on services to immovable property

March 7, 2024
Based on the proposed draft bill, a VAT adjustment period of approximately five years will apply.

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