We provide an overview of the latest state of affairs of the new tax qualification policy for (foreign) legal forms that will take effect as of January 1, 2025.
Although the method of assessment is less clearly defined than in current qualification policy, the legal forms list may offer more practical certainty.
An easy-to-use reference work that will help businesses, institutions and organizations in their accounting practices. The tax rates, premiums and contributions for 2024 have been summarized for your ...
On December 19, 2023 the Upper House of Parliament adopted virtually the entire 2024 Tax Plan package, various other tax bills and a number of tax motions. We have prepared a summary about this.
As of 1 January 2024, the 30% ruling for highly-skilled employees recruited from abroad will be scaled back even further if the Upper House of Parliament also adopts the bill.
De België-Nederland Nieuwsbrief verschijnt maandelijks met uitzondering van juli en augustus. In deze nieuwsbrief gaan wij in op actuele ontwikkelingen op fiscaal gebied in Nederland en België.