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Newsoverview (27)

Facilitated Customs Arrangement: Does it work and at what price?

June 27, 2018
On July 12, 2018 UK Prime Minister Theresa May has published the long awaited Brexit White Paper. It is a comprehensive and ambitious plan which aims on the one hand to preserve a frictionless trade b ...

Global sanctions developments

June 27, 2017
There have been recent developments on the US sanctions against Cuba, Russia and Iran. In addition, various Arab nations recently imposed a boycott on Qatar. Please find set out below an update.

Brexit update 1

April 4, 2017
On 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom’s (hereinafter: UK) Prime Minister, Theresa May, invoked Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union (hereinafter: TEU). This marks the official beginning of th ...

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