The European Commission (EC) on October 21, 2024, published an updated implementing regulation providing the common template and electronic reporting formats for the application of the EU public count ...
We provide an overview of the latest state of affairs of the new tax qualification policy for (foreign) legal forms that will take effect as of January 1, 2025.
It is intended to prevent investment funds qualifying as non-transparent (independently taxable) for a short period of time when the new rules take effect on January 1, 2025.
On November 7, 2024 the Noord-Nederland District Court rendered judgment in a case Meijburg & Co had initiated concerning the interest on tax due charged on a corporate income tax assessment for t ...
Disputes often don’t end up in court; in most cases they are resolved after consulting with the Dutch tax authorities. But sometimes a case is litigated up to the highest judicial body, especially if ...
It is noteworthy but unfortunate that the Supreme Court skillfully avoided answering the principal question of whether a split interest in itself constitutes a participation.
De nieuwsbrief WOZ en gemeentelijke heffingen besteedt aandacht aan interessante ontwikkelingen en rechtspraak en verschijnt twee keer per jaar. Hierbij presenteren wij u de eerste editie van 2023.