Lieke Mutsaers


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Lieke started her career at Meijburg in 2006 and after almost 20 years’ experience is now a seasoned tax advisor in Meijburg’s international tax practice. She specializes in corporate income tax, international tax law, the digital economy and Pillar 2. Lieke advises large and medium-sized multinationals on the consequences of new tax law at the national, EU and global level. For example, she frequently analyses the impact of Pillar 2 and proposes practical steps that should be taken. She also specializes in the tax aspects of cross-border activities, such as tax optimization, business transformation and cross-border tax planning.

As a result of her experience as a corporate EU tax manager at a large US multinational, Lieke has affinity with the challenges and opportunities for corporate tax departments and she acts as a sparring partner for both tax and finance departments. In her role as Director, Lieke coordinates large projects in the Netherlands, where she helps clients prepare for new tax developments in the EU and elsewhere.

Lieke is known for her ability to translate complex legislation into practical solutions for clients. She is proud of her role in organizing International Tax Update seminars and her contribution to the KPMG International BEPS Center of Excellence. Her recent publications, including her commentary on the Minimum Tax Act, can be found on NLFiscaal.

Besides her work for Meijburg, Lieke is chair of the Mandatory Disclosure Rules division of the NOB and in 2025 was appointed to the SOB Board of the NOB.

Foto van Lieke Mutsaers

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