Factsheet: Dutch tonnage tax regime
The tonnage regime is a favorable tax regime that was introduced in the Netherlands in 1996 and which can help parties in the maritime / offshore sector to successfully operate in an international playing field. Download our factsheet for all the ins and outs, such as the qualifying activities and flag requirements, of this tax regime.
Internet consultation on the Introduction of a conditional withholding tax on dividends Act
On September 25, 2020 the government launched an internet consultation to give interested parties the opportunity to respond to the draft bill to introduce a conditional withholding tax on dividends as of 2024.
Meijburg Art Commission 2016 winner
Talented up-and-coming artists can compete for this prize by submitting a proposal for a unique artwork with a focus on photography. The winner of the Meijburg Art Commission will receive the assignment to actually create the submitted proposal, which will then be added to the art collection of Meijburg & Co Tax Lawyers.
Meijburg Art Commission: Nieuwe kunstprijs op fotobeurs Unseen
Belastingadviesorganisatie Meijburg & Co is de drijfveer achter een nieuwe prestigieuze kunstprijs, de Meijburg Art Commission. Talentvolle aanstormende kunstenaars kunnen meedingen naar deze prijs door een voorstel in te dienen voor een uniek kunstwerk waarbij fotografie centraal staat.