FS Tax Newsletter | May 2023
The summer holiday period is fast approaching and as this will be our last FS Tax Newsletter before the summer holidays begin. We would like to update you on the developments we have been monitoring over the past few months, so that you can start the summer well-informed.
Bilateral APAs and mutual agreement procedures (MAPs): why the interest due may differ
Interest on tax due and late payment interest also often play a role in the adjustment or reassessment of the profit. Sates involved maintain different national rules on interest, which can result in a considerable interest expense during the mutual agreement procedure and/or the run-up period to the conclusion of a BAPA. At the time of writing, the Netherlands charges 8% (!) interest on any tax due, which can add up to quite a hefty sum.
Working from home: action required
Recently, it became clear that the European Commission was working on a so-called framework agreement that makes it possible to work from home up to 50%, without an employee becoming socially insured in the country of residence. Last week, more details were published about the new important social security framework agreement. Please find herewith more information regarding this framework as well as some other key attention points when implementing or updating a working from home policy considering the framework.