Digital Economy
The current tax rules are still largely based on the ‘old’ economy in which physical presence in a country was often required for companies to do business locally. With the advent of internet, smartphones and other technological developments, this has completely changed. It is clear that the tax rules need to be adapted to bring them into line with current economic realities.
European Family Business Barometer 2019
The European Family Business Barometer is an annual survey published by KPMG Meijburg & Co, together with KPMG, FBNED and European Family Business (EFB). This study, which was carried out for the eighth time this year, provides insight into trends and developments at family businesses throughout Europe.
Housing Associations
The area of taxation affecting housing associations is fast-developing. All kinds of new tax liabilities have been introduced. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult for housing associations to comply with all the regulations. Meijburg & Co’s specialists are glad to provide you with tax advice.