Tax Management Consulting
Navigating tax and statutory compliance within the current intricate economic and regulatory landscape is a formidable undertaking. The rapid pace of globalization, evolving tax legislation, shifts in accounting standards, and heightened expectations from tax authorities are all contributing to the mounting pressures on tax and finance departments. All the while, tax departments are confronted with the daunting task of delivering enhanced reporting and compliance outcomes within increasingly constrained timelines.
KPMG België-Nederland desk
De KPMG België-Nederland desk is onderdeel van de tax en legal praktijk van KPMG Meijburg & Co in Nederland. Haar voornaamste doelstelling is het adviseren en bijstaan van Nederlandse cliënten met belastingplicht in België, alsook in België wonende en gevestigde cliënten met belastingplicht in Nederland.
Kopie van Tax Compliance
Tax legislation and regulations as well as other tax measures are constantly changing and the Dutch tax authorities are making more demands as to the way in which tax returns are filed and when. Consequently, more attention is being paid to the tax position in the financial statements and to developments in standardized financial reporting.
Kopie van Tax Compliance
Tax legislation and regulations as well as other tax measures are constantly changing and the Dutch tax authorities are making more demands as to the way in which tax returns are filed and when. Consequently, more attention is being paid to the tax position in the financial statements and to developments in standardized financial reporting.
Kopie van Tax Compliance
Tax legislation and regulations as well as other tax measures are constantly changing and the Dutch tax authorities are making more demands as to the way in which tax returns are filed and when. Consequently, more attention is being paid to the tax position in the financial statements and to developments in standardized financial reporting.