Internet consultation on taxpayer status measure for reverse hybrid entities
On March 4, 2021 the Deputy Minister of Finance launched, among other things, a public internet consultation on the taxpayer status measure for ‘reverse hybrid entities’ and several related accompanying measures including for the purposes of dividend withholding tax and the withholding tax on interest and royalty payments.
Article: The hidden engine for future-proofing tax management
In order to stay tax compliant and capture tax opportunities in an increasing digital society, instant access to good quality tax data is essential. In this article our specialists: Alexander Zegers and René Duijkers are outlining how a future-proof tax data management solution looks like and what elements needs to be considered to develop this.
NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter – second edition
This is the second edition of our NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter. The aim of this newsletter is to give you an easy-to-read overview of the latest tax updates in Africa. As reflected in below overview, the African tax landscape is not evolving in isolation from the global tax environment. The digital tax sphere (with new laws and regulations implemented in - among others - Kenya and Nigeria), continued focus on transfer pricing and implementation of the MLI are just a few of the items impacting global organizations.
Tax Update Shipping & Offshore - February 2021
This is the first edition of our Tax Update for the Shipping & Offshore sector for 2021. This year we will again inform you about national and international developments, diverse court decisions, bills and practical experience that are topical and relevant for the sector.
FS Tax Newsletter | February 2021
We hope you had a great start to 2021. After wrapping up the first month of the year, in this edition of the Financial Services Tax Newsletter we would like to summarize the relevant developments that took place in December 2020 and January 2021.
KPMG: Our Impact Plan
Our global environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments are now released under one umbrella in KPMG: Our Impact Plan. The plan clarifies our commitments and actions across four important categories: Planet, People, Prosperity and Governance.
Expansion of corona support in connection with extension of lockdown (January 2021)
On January 21, 2021 in a letter sent to the Lower House of Parliament the government announced that the current relief and recovery package for the economy and labor market would again be expanded.
NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter – first edition
We are excited to welcome you to this first edition of our NL-Africa Tax Desk newsletter. In 2020 African governments’ tax policies have been subject to a lot of changes impacted by the BEPS action points, the COVID-19 crisis and developments on the energy markets. Although the African continent is diverse, there are typical challenges in staying compliant with local tax obligations that MNEs and investors face when investing and developing business activities in Africa. Managing your business’ tax position in Africa is not a ‘one-off’ exercise and requires continuous monitoring of the latest tax developments. The aim of this newsletter is to give you an easy-to-read overview of these updates on the African tax landscape.