Customs and Excise

Worldwide, customs authorities play an important role in the import and export of goods. They monitor the flow of goods entering and leaving a country or group of countries in respect of taxes, health and safety, economy and environment and are responsible for issuing customs authorizations.


In the Netherlands the Customs authorities also play a role in the issue and monitoring of authorizations regarding other taxes such as excise duties, consumption tax on non-alcoholic drinks and private motor vehicle and motorcycle tax.

That differences in interpretation about the applicable laws and regulations may arise in practice cannot be ruled out. Our customs specialists have all the expertise required to assist your organization with questions and disputes in the field of customs, excise duties, consumption tax on non-alcoholic drinks and private motor vehicle and motorcycle tax.

Areas of advice 

We can advise you on how to communicate effectively with the Customs authorities, how to organize your accounts and records or introduce internal control measures, how to apply for the required customs authorizations or how to analyze customs data. In this respect, we make a distinction between the following key areas:

Upcoming events


Seminar - Pillar 2, is it about to break?


Meeting - Dutch Base: for non-Dutch in tax


Roundtable - Round table on EU and US Export Controls and Sanctions

© 2025 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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