Subsidies and incentives

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At the climate summit in Glasgow, the European Union committed to doing everything in its power to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2025. Much still needs to be done to make infrastructure, industry and agriculture sustainable. To achieve these goals, the European Union has set up numerous investment programmes to help businesses and governments accelerate this process.


Investment programmes 

Some examples of these investment programmes are the Innovation Fund, Horizon Europe, InvestEU and the LIFE Programme. Many of these programmes fall under the broader Green Deal Investment Plan, which aims to mobilize EU funding and create an enabling framework to facilitate and stimulate the public and private investments needed for the transition to a climate-neutral, green, competitive and inclusive economy. Programmes are also available at the national level to help finance business sustainability. For example, the Netherlands has the Renewable Energy Production Incentive Scheme (SDE++), the Subsidy Demonstration Energy Innovation (DEI+) and the energy investment allowance (EIA). 


Investments in sustainability

There is a lot to consider when making investments in sustainability, certainly if you want to claim subsidies or tax credits. For example, you have to know which programs are relevant to your situation, how much financial support you can obtain under them and when, and of course how to apply for them and under what conditions. KPMG Meijburg & Co can help you throughout the entire process. Clear communication is a must for this. We know what is happening in this area, the programs that are available, how businesses can use them and the conditions that must be met.

Investment plan

European Green Deal Investment Plan

The European Green Deal Investment Plan builds on the European Commission’s proposal for the long-term budget 2021-2027 and will mobilize 25% of the EU budget for programs financing climate action and environmental projects. On February 1, 2023 the European Commission presented the Green Deal Industrial Plan, containing new plans to facilitate investments in clean technologies and their funding.

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