Energy taxes and environmental levies

Energy taxes and environmental levies are fiscal instruments used by governments to encourage environmentally friendly behavior and discourage environmentally harmful behavior. These taxes and levies are intended to encourage businesses and consumers to make more sustainable choices, thereby contributing to environmental protection

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Energy tax is a tax levied on the supply of gas and electricity to a consumer. The purpose of this tax is to reduce energy consumption and promote the transition to renewable energy sources."

Objectives of energy taxation


Reduction of energy consumption

 By making energy consumption more expensive, businesses and consumers are encouraged to act more energy-efficiently and invest in energy-saving measures.

hernieuwbare energie

Promotion of renewable energy

Tax revenues can be used to provide subsidies and other financial support for the development and implementation of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy.


Reduction of CO2 emissions

 By taxing fossil fuels, the emission of greenhouse gases is reduced, contributing to the fight against climate change.

Rates and structure of energy tax

The rates for energy tax vary depending on the type of energy source and consumption. Additionally, different rates may apply for households and businesses, with large consumers often paying higher rates.

Environmental levies 

Environmental levies are taxes imposed on activities or products that are harmful to the environment. These levies aim to internalize the costs of environmental damage and encourage businesses and consumers to make more environmentally friendly choices. 

Examples of Environmental Levies


CO2 levy

A tax on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that companies must pay based on their level of emissions. This encourages companies to reduce their CO2 emissions by implementing more efficient production processes and technologies.


Waste disposal tax

A tax on the production and disposal of waste. This encourages businesses and consumers to reduce waste, recycle, and promote reuse.

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