ESG subsidies and fiscal incentives

ESG subsidies and fiscal incentives ESG subsidies are financial contributions from the government or other institutions that support companies in implementing sustainable and socially responsible projects. These subsidies are intended to reduce the initial costs of ESG initiatives and encourage companies to further invest in sustainability.

ESG news

In the current business environment, companies are increasingly encouraged to implement sustainable and socially responsible practices. This is often supported by various subsidies and fiscal incentives aimed at Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. 

Below is an overview of some key subsidies and fiscal measures that companies can utilize.


Environmental Investment Allowance (MIA

This subsidy offers tax benefits for investments in environmentally friendly business assets. Companies can deduct a percentage of the investment costs from their profits, resulting in a lower tax assessment.


Energy Investment Allowance (EIA)

Companies that invest in energy-efficient technologies and sustainable energy can make use of the EIA. This provides an additional deduction on taxable profits, thereby reducing the tax burden.

Investment plan

Renewable Energy Subsidy (SDE++)

This subsidy supports companies in the production of renewable energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, and biomass. The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions and accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources.


Random Depreciation of Environmental Investments (Vamil)

With the Vamil scheme, companies can depreciate 75% of the investment costs for environmentally friendly business assets at any time. This offers liquidity benefits and can reduce the tax burden.

Groen beleggen

Green Investing and Green Financing

 These schemes encourage investments in green projects by offering tax benefits to both investors and companies that take out green loans.

Impact of ESG subsidies and fiscal incentives 

The impact of ESG subsidies and fiscal incentives can be significant for companies that actively want to contribute to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. These financial incentives can help reduce the initial costs of ESG projects, improve cash flow, and reduce the overall tax burden. 

Benefits for companies: 

  • Cost savings: By utilizing subsidies and tax benefits, companies can reduce the costs of sustainable investments. 
  • Improved liquidity: Fiscal measures such as the Vamil scheme can improve a company's liquidity by offering flexibility in depreciation. 
  • Increased competitiveness: Companies that invest in ESG initiatives can strengthen their competitive position by meeting the growing demand from consumers and investors for sustainable and socially responsible products and services.

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