Estate Planning

Estate planning: making your arrangements for later

As the founder of a family business, you have a lot to deal with where your day-to-day business operations are concerned. In fact, this task often demands all of your attention. The consequence of being so busy is that the issues which have a direct impact on the company are given priority. Other, less urgent matters such as retirement can still seem distant, and thus receive little or no attention. Nonetheless, it makes sense to also give such matters their due attention. By means of estate planning, you can ensure that matters concerning family affairs, which will be of importance in the future, are also properly arranged.

Company Structure and Estate planning

It is therefore a good idea to see the company structure of your family business from an estate planning point of view. Is that structure optimal for the future succession of the family business? Has the will been drawn up in such a way that not too much tax is paid on the inheritance? Not only do Meijburg & Co’s advisors know all the tax and legal ins and outs, but they are also familiar with all of the possibilities a will may offer. They can therefore provide you with excellent service where the provision of tailor-made advice is concerned.

Estate planning in your lifetime

Good estate planning does not focus on death alone. Meijburg therefore also advises you on inter vivos (i.e. during a person’s lifetime) gifting procedures and transfers (including company transfers). In this way, over time, you can avoid a considerable amount of tax, and you can do it without the next generation first having to obtain control over the family business or disposition over the family capital.

Estate planning in order to preserve family capital

Is it actually the intention that the next generation should already have access to the family capital, or a part thereof? Here, too, we would like to guide you in determining how money can be transferred to the next generation in a manner that is favourable in tax terms. Estate planning is therefore an important point on the family agenda, because good estate planning plays a role in ensuring the preservation of the family capital.

Need tax advice on Estate planning?

Do you require assistance with the estate planning of your family business? Meijburg & Co’s specialists can advise you on the tax and legal aspects involved and help with your estate planning. Would you like more information? Then please call one of our advisors. They will be pleased to assist.


Het is dus verstandig om de bedrijfsstructuur van het familiebedrijf ook te overwegen vanuit het perspectief van Estate Planning. Is die structuur wel optimaal voor een toekomstige vererving van het familiebedrijf? Is het testament zo opgesteld, dat bij die vererving niet teveel belasting wordt betaald?

Estate Planning tijdens leven

Een goede Estate Planning is niet alleen op overlijden gericht. Wij adviseren daarom ook over schenkingstrajecten en (bedrijfs)overdrachten tijdens het leven, wat op de lange termijn aanzienlijke belastingbesparingen kan opleveren. En dat zonder dat de volgende generatie al de zeggenschap over het familiebedrijf of de beschikking over het familiekapitaal krijgt.

Behoud van het familiekapitaal

Is het juist wel de bedoeling dat de volgende generatie nu al kan beschikken over (een deel van) het familiekapitaal? Ook dan denken wij mee om te bepalen hoe er op een fiscaal vriendelijke manier al geld naar de volgende generatie kan. Estate Planning is dus een belangrijk punt op de agenda van de familie, want goede Estate Planning zorgt mede voor het behoud van het familiekapitaal.

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