
The world is becoming ever more transparent. And your family business is a business to be proud of. But that does not mean that you want everyone to know how much capital there is in your family. An optimised structure for the assets of your family business can provide you with the privacy you need where the outside world is concerned.

For a family business, privacy means being both open and closed

It goes without saying that your family business strives for transparency in its tax affairs. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration must always have access to the financial data your operations generate. Nonetheless, you would obviously prefer it if details regarding your family’s capital were kept private opposite the outside world. However, with recent measures such as the UBO register and everything that can be easily found on the internet, the chance is greater than ever that your family capital will be made public.

Privacy means structuring your wealth

Meijburg's specialists can advise you on the possibilities and limitations of structuring the capital of your family business in such a way that it is and remains a family secret. Bear in mind that solutions always have advantages and disadvantages of which we will provide a clear overview. After careful consideration of the pros and cons, we can arrive at a structure that is optimal for your family business. Aside from consultancy, the structure’s implementation is also in safe hands with Meijburg’s civil-law notaries.

Need tax advice on privacy? 

Do you require tax or legal advice concerning privacy issues with regard to your family business? Our advisors can discuss with you the possibilities and limitations in optimising the structure of the capital of your family business. Would you like more information? Then please call one of our specialists. They will be pleased to assist.

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Partner leurs.olaf [at] Meijburg Breda
Partner merkus.maarten [at] Meijburg Amstelveen
Partner mettes.tijs [at] Meijburg Rotterdam

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