Global Compliance Management Services (GCMS)

Every company has local compliance obligations to meet.  We can assist you in doing so in an efficient and cost effective way. Our Global Compliance Management Services (GCMS) professionals are here for you. Read on to learn more about our GCMS services.


GCMS with knowledge, experience and dedication

Meijburg & Co and KPMG’s Global Compliance Management Services practice consists of a global network of dedicated professionals. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to respond to the challenging and ever-changing regulatory framework surrounding tax and financial reporting. They are effectively unmatched in their ability to provide centrally coordinated compliance outsourcing services to multinational companies.

Global compliance management as a transformational opportunity

Helping clients meet their local compliance obligations efficiently and effectively is at the heart of our GCMS services. Our GCMS team provides you with greater clarity and a better grasp on your global compliance obligations. No less important in this regard is that we view global compliance management as a transformational opportunity. We strive to provide compliance services of the highest order. This is done by bringing standard methods and processes together with innovative technologies. Meanwhile, we ensure that your current compliance obligations are not overlooked.

Balanced global compliance management services

Meijburg & Co and KPMG invest in local, regional and global services. As a result, we offer a model of service which satisfies your compliance management requirements perfectly. Thanks to our global technology-led network, we strike the right balance between centralised and local compliance services. This is achieved through a coordinated package of GCMS services, which guarantees compliance services of the highest quality.

GCMS: a bridge between your data and our knowledge of compliance management

Through our coordinated service package, we bridge the gap between your data and the specialist knowledge of compliance management that you need. Meijburg & Co will work with you to develop an effective data collection strategy that makes full use of both your and our data and system capacity. Technology has steadily gained importance in this particular field. Together with KPMG, we have developed a long-term investment programme for data technology, and we know how and when our technology should be used.

Upcoming events


Meeting - Dutch Base: for non-Dutch in tax


Roundtable - Round table on EU and US Export Controls and Sanctions

© 2025 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
All rights reserved.