Insurance Premium Tax

Insurance premium tax (IPT) is generally due on insurance premiums and the fees charged for services related to the insurance. Different types of risk and different countries can make IPT a complex issue. 


Insurance premium tax (IPT) is generally due on insurance premiums and the fees charged for services related to the insurance. Different types of risk and different countries can make IPT a complex issue. Whether you operate internationally or only in the Netherlands, it’s important that you know where your IPT opportunities and risks lie. KPMG Meijburg & Co’s tax specialists would be pleased to help you with this.

Specialist advice

Different types of organizations require different types of advice. A distinction can be made between the following main areas:

Upcoming events


Seminar - Pillar 2, is it about to break?


Meeting - Dutch Base: for non-Dutch in tax


Roundtable - Round table on EU and US Export Controls and Sanctions

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