Corporate secretarial services

Flexible corporate secretarial services (project-based)

In-house legal teams and management are expected to take on a lot of extra work during or after an acquisition, an investment, a restructuring, an IPO or the introduction of a new product, or when raising new finance. Many of these extra duties are subject to tight deadlines and come on top of their regular workload.

Meijburg Legal can offer your teams project-based support in the form of flexible project management. We will set priorities in the process, maintain a helicopter view and monitor deadlines for you. With these services, we make life easier for your teams and we guarantee that you can go about your business as usual.

Corporate governance and decision-making support

Meijburg Legal offers corporate secretarial services for your corporate support office. We can also advise on corporate governance and decision-making issues, such as authorization guidelines and liability risks of executive and supervisory directors. This may go hand in hand with internal cash and debt management programs. We make sure that you make the right decisions at the right time, while providing you with decision-making documentation and the appropriate reports.

Legal Entity Rationalization (LER)

Successful enterprises want to grow, for instance by acquiring other businesses. Each acquisition results in an increase in the number of entities, thereby complicating the corporate structure. Commercially speaking, it makes sense for one or a limited number of entities to serve the market. Rationalizing the number of entities is advisable from a cost and risk management perspective as well.

The fewer entities a group has, the more cost-efficient it will be. The average annual costs of operating a company will easily run up to EUR 25,000. This would include annual cash-out costs for a variety of mandatory reports, licenses and registrations as well as internal costs such as IT expenses, accounting costs and the cost of management time.

Benefits of legal entity rationalization:

  • A single face to the market
  • Simplification and acceleration of internal and external reporting processes
  • Better insights
  • Lower annual costs

LER projects are typically international and multidisciplinary in nature, the reason being that the elimination of an entity can lead to a displacement of employees, operations and financial flows as well changes to IT systems. We offer LER specialists who have tax and legal experience with rationalization projects in many different countries. They can help you rationalize the number of legal entities in your organization.

Corporate secretarial services

Please feel free to contact us to find out more about our corporate secretarial services. The Meijburg Legal advisors would be happy to help you explore your options. They can tell you exactly how to best integrate corporate secretarial services into your organization.

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Partner Legal enneman.marieke [at] Meijburg Amstelveen
Partner Legal volders.freerk [at] Meijburg Rotterdam

© 2025 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
All rights reserved.