Labor shortages, younger generations in the workplace, far-reaching technology, the creation of flexible work models: issues that businesses need to address.  Are you able to recruit and retain top talent? Is your remuneration policy still relevant in the current economic and social climate? Are your mobility programs up to scratch? Is ESG part of your remuneration strategy? Fixed or flexible? Work anywhere you want?

Whatever the challenges faced by your business and wherever in the world they arise, our global KPMG network of specialists has the knowledge and expertise to assist you. From income tax, payroll tax and social security planning to support with immigration procedures and advice on labor issues and remuneration policy; our team is committed to keeping you ‘in control’.

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© 2025 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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