
Nexus is a user-friendly application for preparing corporate income tax returns. We use it to incorporate your data and our expertise into the preparation of the corporate income tax return.

Nexus is now the standard at Meijburg for efficiently preparing corporate income tax returns. The application has several functions, including:

  • a mapping function: this automatically distributes the data for accounting purposes into the headings in the tax return;
  • a questionnaire: this can be used to obtain the relevant information and data required to prepare the corporate income tax return;
  • automated checks-and balances that provide optimal support when delivering a high-quality data pack.

Optimal role allocation

Your organization is perfectly capable of correctly interpreting the composition of your figures for accounting purposes and to properly assess the quality and reliability of data and reports. For a successful and streamlined approach to the compliance process, we therefore believe it is important to have a role allocation whereby you retain control of your own data and can enter and check it yourself. Meijburg’s role in this collaboration is increasingly moving from administrator to providing assistance with setting up and implementing your own procedures, as well as providing you with the right IT tools. This will enable you to better manage tax risks.

© 2024 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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