Tax Audit

In a Tax Audit the tax authorities collect information in order to determine whether tax obligations have been complied with. The tax authorities can always question the taxpayer, either in writing or orally. They may also ask questions to third parties, for example the auditor. Tax Audit Assistance is advisable in case of a tax audit.

Tax Audit Assistance

In principle, you must always cooperate with a Tax Audit. However, there are limits to the information that the tax authorities may request. Our specialized tax advisors are able to help you in these difficult circumstances.

Audits can lead to (substantial) tax adjustments or even penalties. It is therefore advisable to have an authorized representative to assist you during a tax audit. This is important for the following reasons:

  • Firstly, in order to ensure that tax authorities are complying with the applicable tax rules and that your rights will be safeguarded.

  • Secondly, to ensure that the information provided to the tax authorities is classified correctly for tax purposes. This will reduce tax adjustments (or penalties) or even prevent them.

We are qualified to send the right information to the authorities. We are also specialized in how it should be classified for tax purposes. We will liaise with the tax authorities to ensure that the tax audit runs smoothly and does not cause you any anxiety.

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Need advice?

Partner mariani.aldo [at] Meijburg Amstelveen
Director waaijer.rian [at] Meijburg Amstelveen

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