Tax Modelling

Tax and transfer pricing planning strategies are becoming increasingly complex. When companies consider multiple scenarios, a tax modelling analysis is usually required in order to evaluate the tax implications and quantify other performance drivers important to the organization.

Navigating the complexity of tax modelling

The tax implications of existing business and transfer pricing operating models can change due to new tax rules. Understanding fully how proposed tax legislation may affect an organization entails a modelling exercise. Robust tax models allow organizations to evaluate opportunities and risks and make better informed tax and strategic decisions.

How we can help with tax modelling?

Our tax modelling specialists can build models which:

  • Allow you to quantify the tax effect of different business structures
  • Quantify how new tax rules may impact your existing operating model.

We can assist you in the following areas:

  • Building dynamic, state-of-the-art Excel-based models to evaluate tax scenarios in the context of M&A, divestments, or other corporate restructurings.
  • Quantifying the tax effects of new transfer pricing policies.
  • Modelling the impact of proposed tax legislation on an existing business case.

Building an effective tax model, whether it is to evaluate the tax implications of a transaction, a new business opportunity or for other purposes, is a difficult task. Clients also require tax models to be free from logical errors. Our professionals can help with the model review, maintenance/update and model building activities. This ensures that your tax and business decisions are based on a robust and informed analysis.

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Need advice?

Partner dijkman.jeroen [at] Meijburg Rotterdam
Partner reyneveld.jaap [at] Meijburg Amstelveen
Partner karreman.jens [at] Meijburg Amstelveen
Partner berry.dianne [at] Meijburg Eindhoven
Partner hundscheid.franklin2 [at] Meijburg Amstelveen
Partner uceda.agata [at] Meijburg Amstelveen

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